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Midterm Project

My midterm project is a plush heart that beats faster the closer you get to it. For this project, I used an LED light to demonstrate a heart beat and the image on the pinbit alternates from a small heart to a big heart. I also used a motion sensor to detect how close an object or a person is from the heart and how fast it should beat. There are three different heart beat settings for when its less than 6 inches, 12 inches, and 24 inches away. The last thing included is a speaker that produces a noise that sounds like a heartbeat and the closer you get the faster the sound gets.The code for this project wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. The only part that I struggled with was making the code to make the heart beat faster or slower according to the distance. I had to play around to see how fast I wanted the beat because since one "heartbeat" is two tones, if it's too fast it sounds like one tone. When it comes to the materials, I used fabric, stuffing, and heart buttons. Another issue I faced when creating this, was that the fabric was affecting the motion sensor so I had to cut a hole in order for there not to be anything in front of motion sensor. Overall, I believe this project is creative and interactive.

Final Product
The Process
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