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Midterm Critique

The work I have done since the beginning of this semester is based off of one of my fears. That fear is being kidnapped. Even though it's not likely to happen, it's something that sticks with me wherever I go. Im always looking at my surroundings and cautious of everything I do. In my work, I want to portray that feeling of anxiety I get because of that fear. The drawings are of me looking at my surroundings in fear. I started off using pencil but it didn't give me that smudge effect I wanted so I tried charcoal for the first time and it definitely works better in trying to show movement. In order to capture the emotion of fear, I have to put more emphasis and detail on the eyes and eyebrows. Im still experimenting with how many figures I want to include because I want to show motion but also I don't want it to look like there's multiple people in the drawing. While doing research, I came across a couple of artists that work with motion, whether it's animation, photography, or drawing. Those artists are Jeanette Mondt, Antoni Tudisco, and Andy Farr. Looking at their work helped me further develop my work using different techniques. 

The work is displayed from the first drawings I made, to where I am now in the semester

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